My Mom’s Gonna Love This 

Years back, Joshua Radin did a haunting cover of the Sesame Street theme.1 It’s slow and melancholy, and it’s definitely not a pick-me-up.

But that’s not for today. It’s Friday, or possibly even Saturday. So go. Go and watch this performance of the Sesame Street theme, by The Roots and Jimmy Fallon along with a slew of muppets.2

The Roots, Jimmy Fallon, and the Sesame Street Gang
So great.

And here’s an attempted transcript of the lyrics for Black Thought’s verse:

“OK, you heard about, through word of mouth,
Big Bird is out, he’s in the house.
He’s turnin’ up, with Snuffleup,
They’re really gettin’ their hustle up.
Cuz they stick together like Velcro.
There Grover go, there’s Elmo.
And Cookie Monster there, look,
he likes to take selfies, with his cell phone.
They got a homegirl named Abby,
Her last name is Cadabby.
I showed her my report card,
She said “Not too shabby!”.
They got all types of cool kids there,
It’s lots of fun if you live there,
But one thing I keep,
Forgetting about Sesame Street,
How do you get there?

Not. Too. Shab. Bee.


  1. Archived here. ↩︎

  2. Also archived here. ↩︎