Safely Ensconced 

A quick search for Buckyballs will show multiple posts on this site, detailing the rise and fall of the magnetic toy. Most recently, the government decided to target Craig Zucker, the former CEO of the product’s manufacturer Maxfield & Oberton.

Mr. Zucker is fighting back, with a rather over-the-top “United We Ball” campaign to fund his legal defense. On his new site, you can read about the matter at hand, and be overwhelmed by inflamed rhetoric. You can also purchase a variety of larger spherical magnets, as well Buckyball-sized magnets which have been safely ensconced in lucite.

Founding Balls
These magnets are permanently embedded in lucite, preventing swallowing.

While his histrionics are doing him no favors, Mr. Zucker certainly does seem in the right here. A wing of the government is targeting an individual in a deeply unfair fashion. No less an authority than former Acting Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission Nancy Nord has come to Zucker’s defense.

All this over tiny spherical magnets.