Bad Look, Texas Tech

Flat-earthers do not, in fact, have some valid points.

I have a whole lot of follow-up questions about this.

Questions I have after hearing Texas Tech Defensive Back Tyler Owens say he “doesn’t believe in space”

  • How, exactly, does one “not believe in space”? What does that mean?

  • What does Owens believe happens when you get 60 miles above the earth?

  • How does Owens think satellite radio works? Satellite TV? Satellite internet?

  • What would the point of this conspiracy be?

  • What exactly is “University Studies”, Owens’s major? Oh, sure, I know Texas Tech says “University Studies is an interdisciplinary major that encourages integrative learning and fosters new areas of learning and discovery by facilitating student learning across department and college boundaries”, but that’s meaningless.

  • What are the academic requirements for student athletes at Texas Tech?

  • Are there any?

I also find myself wondering what my old friend Tom Brown thinks about this embarrassment.