Previous “COVID-19” posts

Zoom Goats 

If we could accept that goats say “Baaa” and not “Maaa”, I would've titled this “Zoom Baaambing”

My software company can help you add music or sound effects to your voice calls, and that’s proven to be very popular in the past 11 months. However, to really want to liven up your next Zoom meeting, why not get a goat?

A farmer who was half kidding when she suggested hiring out her goats out for Zoom meetings during lockdown has said making £50,000 shows it was no joke.

The future is so goddamned weird.

Previously in COVID-19 Goats: Free Goat Entertainment

A Cat Birthday Party 

Wash your hands. Wear a mask. Stay home. Don't go to birthday parties for cats.

For many months now, friend-of-the-site Amy Jane Gruber and I have had a little game going, wherein we try to come up with the dumbest ways someone could get infected with COVID-19. If you’re a healthcare worker who gets infected by a patient, that’s not embarrassing at all. If you’re having an extramarital affair and your mister or mistress gets you sick, well, that’s embarrassing.

Today, we have a new leader. Coming down with the virus from a cat’s birthday party is now the stupidest known way to get COVID. It’s so stupid it’s difficult to believe it’s even real. And yet:

“When I heard about this, I said … it’s a joke. Probably they said that to conceal something else—but it was exactly that,” Álvarez told local station Radio Bio-Bio, as translated by Google Translate. “We have corroborated it with at least six of the 15 [infected] people who told us the same thing.”

I like the idea that he thought they were covering up something else, with this story. What could be worse than this?

Covidiots Temporarily Delay Vaccinations 

No arrests is probably too few arrests.

It’s bad enough that there are so many thoughtless people in the world who refuse to take basic precautions to keep themselves and their fellow humans safe, such as socially distancing and wearing masks. But the existence of people actively interfering with those who are trying to protect themselves is almost too much to bear.

Rod and Ekaterina Baker Are Selfish Morons 

Don't be like them.

A Canadian casino executive and his wife chartered a private plane to a remote area of the Yukon territory, then posed as local motel workers to improperly obtain access to doses of the COVID-19 vaccine that had been brought in for an elderly and high-risk population. How were they caught?

Mr. Streicker said the two people asked if someone could take them to the airport after they were vaccinated, which “raised flags” with the vaccination team. They called the enforcement unit for the Civil Emergency Measures Act.

So in addition to being selfish, they’re also idiots. Don’t be like the Bakers.

The COVID Crisis Continues 

It's going to get better, but it's not happening yet.

In the past ten months, all manner of rules and regulations have been modified to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. A moratorium has been placed on evictions, and the expirations on things like car registrations have been extended, to reduce the need for folks to leave their homes. These changes were made to reduce the spread of the virus, and to lessen its harmful societal impacts.

Unfortunately, it clearly hasn’t been enough. Now, another rule is being modified, as Los Angeles County has suspended cremation limits. So many people are dying from COVID that LA needed to choose between the threat to public health caused by diminished air quality and the threat caused by an excess of corpses.

Stay home. Wash your hands. Wear a mask.

No, No, No 

Gadzooks, just no.

Weddings occupy far too prominent a place in American culture, with some couples going so far as to take on massive debt to finance excessively lavish celebrations that they can’t really afford. In the era of COVID, however, weddings have the potential to kill more than just your credit score. It’s unfortunate, but as with so many things in the past year, the responsible thing to do in a pandemic is to cancel gatherings.

Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to do that. It’s been nearly a month since I read this article on weddings in Texas during COVID-19, but I can’t get it out of my mind. It begins with a bridesmaid telling a wedding photographer that the groom had tested positive for the coronavirus.

The woman thanked [the photographer] for still showing up, considering “everything that’s going on with the groom.”…“So I was like, ‘What are you talking about?’ And she was like, ‘Oh, no, no, no, don’t freak out. He doesn’t have symptoms. He’s fine.’ ”

No! That is not how this works.

She recalls one bridesmaid telling her, “I’m a teacher. I have fourteen students. If I’m willing to risk it, why aren’t you?”

No! What?! One fears this selfish person teachers her students that if all their friends jump off a cliff, they ought to as well.

[The photographer] recalled one conversation from that wedding, before she left the reception. “I have children,” she told a bridesmaid. “What if my children die?” The bridesmaid responded, “I understand, but this is her wedding day.”


Stay home. Wash your hands. Wear a mask.

There’s No Shortage of Available Numbers

Maybe we need to investigate if innumeracy is a COVID-19 symptom.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been amused by the various phases governments throughout the US have used for their re-opening plans. In Massachusetts, the whole thing is an overcomplicated mess, with steps within phases. Fortunately, by staying home as much as possible, I’m able to avoid the need to really understand our current status.

More recently, I found similar nonsense when it comes to vaccine waiting lists. My mother lives in New Jersey, and I wanted to get her in line for the COVID vaccine. After signing up, she wound up in “Phase 1C”, which amused me.


The rather difficult to read graphic above shows that Phase 1A is healthcare workers and residents of long-term care facilities, while Phase 1B is other essential workers. Phase 1C is adults over 65, and adults with various medical conditions, while Phase 2 is the general public. New Jersey has four distinct groupings, yet only two phases. It’s needless nonsense.

When it comes to receiving the vaccine for a deadly pandemic, being in Phase 1C sounds pretty good. But for anyone who stops to think about it, that’s obviously just Phase 3. Calling it “Phase 3” would make it more clear that it’s behind “Phase 1” and “Phase 2”, which I suppose some view as a downside. To me, avoiding insulting attempts at diversion is a good thing, as is being honest.

I’m pleased to note that while Massachusetts doesn’t yet have a waiting list, we do have just the type of straightforward system I’m suggesting.


I’m in Phase 3, which I much prefer to Phase 1C. That said, the “order of priority” could well turn into a source of unnecessary complication.

Somehow, however, it’s already even worse in California. Friend-of-the-site Chris D. was researching there on behalf of his own mother, and found this chart:


While California’s chart is the easiest to read, its contents are even more absurd. Imagine actually trying to explain this to someone:

“So, you’re in group 1C.”

“Oh, great, it sounds like I’ll get the vaccine soon.”


“Ah, I guess there are two groups ahead of me, right? I’m after 1A and 1B, so I’m really in the third group.”

“Close! Group 1C is actually the fourth group, behind 1A, 1B Tier One, and 1B Tier Two.”

There are, literally, an infinite number of whole numbers. Perhaps New Jersey and California could just call things what they are.

An Air-Powered Costume Is a Bad Idea 

Take this seriously.

Previously, we had superspreader Santa. Now, it appears a Christmas tree costume may have led to the infection dozens of people in San Jose, and at least one death so far.

[Photo via Marianne Favro]

There are countless ways folks are being foolish as this pandemic rips through America, and it’s quite literally killing people. Wash your hands, wear a mask, stay home.

Be Better 

Also, tip better.

We don’t have to “be best”, because that’s nonsense grammar. However, we should all strive to be better. To give just one example, in the era of COVID, restaurant patrons should strive to be better than this:

“Workers frequently are subjected to sexualized comments from customers, the majority of which were a request from male customers that women service workers remove their mask so that the men could judge their looks, and, implicitly, determine their tips on that basis,” states the report.

Tipping is a terrible custom, but we’re all stuck with it for now. Sexism and misogyny, however, we each have the power to reduce.

Superspreader Santa 

Talk about a disease vector.

In the midst of a global pandemic, Santa Claus is a really bad idea.